People with Disabilities

As a person who overcame his combat injuries to find success in business, Justin had a strong drive to help other people with disabilities perservere through their challenges and find work. Justin spent much of his life focused on educating others about PTSD, TBI and mental health, while dispelling the myths about these conditions. His relentless work to help people with disabilities resulted in receiving the 2017 Henry Viscardi Achievement Award. He was also a Council Member on Nation swell, an invitation only membership community of service-minded leaders brought together to build their community, to inspire and be inspired and to collaborate and advocate around social impact challenges. 

In 2018, he became the Chief Business Development Officer for JobPaths, a robust hiring platform for disadvantaged job seekers, including people with disabilities. Through his great work with the company, he helped bring the company's robust workforce development tool to people with disabilities across the country thanks to partnerships with major organizations and agencies such as Viscardi Center, Source America, United Spinal, and NYC Mayor's Office for People with Disabilities through their Empowered Cities Initiative in conjunction with the cities of Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles and San Francisco.